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A special place in the book is occupied by a purely theoretical approach to the phenomena of Ukrainian cinema offered by V. Horpenko. The author considers the history of cinema as an architectural typology, focusing on the analysis of a variety of types, genres, stylistic directions, on the transformation of life observations into specific, concrete forms of artistic works. Studying the director's score of various screen works based on their genre and stylistic features, the author singles out separate systems of language production in cinema - epic, lyrical, lyrical-epic and dramatic, seeing in their manifestation and interaction in specific screen texts the key to creating a scientific history of cinema.


The release of the film M.Forman's "Amadeus" is a brilliant interpretation of creative and personal confrontationMozart and Salieri.In this decade, R. Redford, J. Lange, M.Strip - worthyinheritors of the great acting traditions of the US cinema.Significant gainsAmerican about cinemaof the last two decades are primarily associated with the names of F.F.Coppola (the third part of "The Godfather", "Bram Stoker's Dracula", etc.);S. Spielberg("Schindler's List ", "Jurassic Parkperiod" etc.); R.Zemeckis ("Forrest Gump"); D. Lynch("Blue Velvet ", "Your Shke", etc.).However, at the same time, many others appear on the screensthird-rate film production.Nowadays, almost all the modern ones are included in the Hollywood assembly linefilm genres tending tointeraction: a gangster movie –"Honor seven! Prizzi" by J. Hustonand "Married to the Mafia"J. Demmy (comedy invariance of the genre), "Oncein America" ​​S. Leone, "The WayCarlito"B. de Palma, "On the Crest of the Wave" by K. Biglow (with elements of drama); thriller - a synthesis of detective andhorror film - "Heart of an Angel" by A. Parker, "Silence of the Lambs" by J. Demmy, "Cape Fear" by M.

Action (action) is a genre of film art that illustrates the well-known thesis: "Goodness must have fists." The main character faces evil. Not finding the possibility of a peaceful solution to the situation, he resorts to violence, as a result of which dozens and sometimes hundreds of villains are destroyed. "Happy end" is an indispensable attribute of an action movie, evil must be punished.

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Each era, each generation examines and studies the history of art from its own point of view. This constitutes the same subjective knowledge of objective truth. The history of Ukrainian cinema began in the 20th century. already at the end of the 20s. One of the first books that highlighted the history of domestic cinema was Ya. Savchenko's book "The Birth of Ukrainian Soviet Cinema" (1930). Years of repressions and wartime disasters did not contribute to the emergence of fundamental works of film studies. And only at the end of the 1950s, three books of essays "Ukrainian Soviet Cinema" published by the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR appeared. Its authors I. Kornienko, A. Zhukova, G. Zhurov, A. Romitsyn provide a systematic picture of Ukrainian cinema from the post-revolutionary years to the post-war years. It is interesting that in the early 1960s, the American film critic B. Berest published his work "The History of Ukrainian Cinema" (1962), which was largely polemical about the point of view of Soviet historians.

Ukrainian cinematography was started way back in 1896, more than 125 years ago. The first film was shot by Alfred Fedetsky in Kharkiv in 1896, but it was not like the cinema we are used to. The tape was entitled "Transfer of the Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God from the Kuryaz Monastery to the Kharkiv Pokrovsky Monastery." She (title) immediately describes the plot of this two-minute long work. Thanks to this tape, A. Fedetskyi became the first Ukrainian cameraman of documentary films. A little later in the same year, he organized the first public screening for Ukraine, where he demonstrated three-minute documentary stories. At the same time, screenings of French films started in Lviv.

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