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Chaplin's creative output attracted the attention of researchers who tried to understand the reason for the extraordinary popularity of this actor. Perhaps the secret of the great artist's success was that his hero - Charlie the tramp - looked at the world through the eyes of a child; he could make the viewer laugh and sympathize at the same time.


In general, the number of such festivals throughout Ukraine is immeasurably large. Odesa International Film Festival, Kyiv International Film Festival "Youth", Kharkiv International Festival "Kharkiv MeetDocs", "New Ukrainian Cinema" in Luhansk region, "Days of Ukrainian Cinema" in Lviv, etc.

A characteristic feature of the artist's filmmaking is "actingversatility ", because breadthhis artistic range enables him to work brilliantly indifferent genres:to a police fighter ("Panic inNeedle Park", "Serpico", "Sea of ​​Love", "Clash andetc.);psychological dramawith elements of mysticism ("Lawyerthe devil") ; a gangster film(" I'm with a facescar", "Carlito's Way", etc.),drama ("Scarecrow", "Bobby Deerfield" (screen adaptationE. M. Remarque's novel "Lifein debt"), melodramas with elements of comedy ("Author ! Author!","Francis and Johnny") and others.In all theirsAl Pacino's works demonstrate the highest level of acting professionalism.Every movie is from himparticipation is artistica perfect work that always inspires admirationviewersHowever, the most significant creative achievements ofAl Pacino's film production is primarily associated withtrilogy by F. F. Coppola "The Godfather", in which the actor created the image of the head of the mafiaMichael Corleone's clan, and the film "The Scent of a Woman" directed by M. Brest – deeplypsychological film entertainment aboutthe adventures of a blind colonel of the American army, for whichthe artist was awarded the highest prize of the American Film Academy - goldstatuettesOscar.

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Each era, each generation examines and studies the history of art from its own point of view. This constitutes the same subjective knowledge of objective truth. The history of Ukrainian cinema began in the 20th century. already at the end of the 20s. One of the first books that highlighted the history of domestic cinema was Ya. Savchenko's book "The Birth of Ukrainian Soviet Cinema" (1930). Years of repressions and wartime disasters did not contribute to the emergence of fundamental works of film studies. And only at the end of the 1950s, three books of essays "Ukrainian Soviet Cinema" published by the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR appeared. Its authors I. Kornienko, A. Zhukova, G. Zhurov, A. Romitsyn provide a systematic picture of Ukrainian cinema from the post-revolutionary years to the post-war years. It is interesting that in the early 1960s, the American film critic B. Berest published his work "The History of Ukrainian Cinema" (1962), which was largely polemical about the point of view of Soviet historians.

The 20s of the 20th century were marked by the creation of Ukrainian film studios. Many tapes were shot under their guidance, which became famous all over the world. A film was shot on the territory of the Odesa Film Studio, which later became a business card of the city and was included in the top ten films of world cinema. We are talking about "Battleship Potemkin" by Sergei Eisenstein. It is impossible not to mention the films of Oleksandr Dovzhenko, the central figure of Ukrainian cinema. O. Dovzhenko's style gave birth to a new direction of "Ukrainian poetic cinema": "Zvenigora", "Arsenal", "Zemlya". The latter takes the 2nd position in the list of the 100 best films in the history of Ukrainian cinema and is included in the top 12 films of all times and nations. Such a top was formed based on the results of a survey of 117 film historians and film experts from 26 countries of the world at the Fifth World Exhibition held in Brussels in 1958.

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