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The systematization and generalization of important material is carried out by the research of H. Filkevich "Pages of the history of film music in Ukraine" and the investigation of O. Ravlyuk-Holitsyna, dedicated to the art of cinematography in Ukraine. These topics, which were only episodically highlighted in the domestic film opinion, seem to us to be extremely promising. After all, it is no secret that the cinematography school of Ukrainian cinema has an undeniable authority all over the world. The material of the essay itself has considerable potential. The same can be said about the perspective of covering the history of film music in Ukraine (emphasis on the wide use of folk melos, which works to strengthen the emotionally meaningful coloring of screen images).

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The further development of the world film process in the 1940s and 1960s was associated with the emergence of various directions that testified to the interesting searches and experiments that took place in its bowels. Prominent artists of world cinema stood near their origins. Thus, the phenomenon of "Italian neorealism" was associated with the names of R. Rossellini - "Rome - an open city", "Paisa"; V. De Sica - "Bicycle Thieves", "Umberto D.", "The Roof"; D. De Santis - "There is no peace under the olives", "Rome, 11 o'clock"; L. Visconti - "The Earth Trembles", "The Most Beautiful", whose creativity was stimulated by the artistic heritage of the outstanding Italian writer J. Verga.

Cinematography of the Soviet period of the 30s of the XX century. became a kind of mirror of the totalitarian era, because all cinematographic genres of that time fulfilled certain "social orders". A vivid example of this was the historian-revolutionary film presented by M. Romm's dilogy - "Lengn in October" and "Lenin in 1918"; trilogy by H. Kozintsev and L. Trauberg - "Maxim's Youth", "Maxim's Return" and "Vyborzka Side"; paintings by S. Yutkevich - "Man with a gun", the Vasiliev brothers - "Chapaev"; O. Dovzhenka - Shchors.

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A separate milestone of Ukrainian cinema is the screen adaptation of works of classical literature: "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" (1964), "Ukraine on Fire" (1967), "Stone Cross" (1968), "Natalka Poltavka" (1978), "Black Council" (2000 ) etc. Such films primarily convey the Ukrainian flavor: scenery, picturesque landscapes of Ukrainian lands, language diversity. Films based on the motives, or completely based on the plots of the classical literary heritage, supposedly remind Ukrainians that literature is easily used on big screens. Although the films have been shot since the 60s of the 20th century, their popularity has not waned.

At the same time, cinematography can by no means be called a "technical" art. Man's primordial need for a figurative understanding of reality gave birth to this mass form of art. Cinema is synthetic in nature, it combines elements of literature, theater, painting, music, choreography. That is why cinematography operates with many expressive possibilities borrowed from other forms of art. At the same time, cinema has its own specific means and techniques, in particular: perspective (angle of view of the film camera), change of plans (general, medium and large), montage, which combines individual frames in a logical sequence and makes it possible to convey the emotional and psychological tension of the episode.

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