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Wide use of archival materials seems to us to be especially valuable in scientific research. This concerns the historical exploration of the Kharkiv researcher V. Myslavsky, dedicated to the first decade of game cinema. The author "equipped" his essay with numerous references to pre-revolutionary film magazines and beautiful iconographic material. Footage from "pre-revolutionary" films is all the more valuable because the tapes themselves have hardly survived.


The 1960s and 1970s were rich in monographic publications, which covered specific problems of domestic cinema. In the 70s, the works of I. Kornienko "Half a century of Ukrainian Soviet cinema" (1970), "Cinema of Soviet Ukraine" (1975) were published. The appearance of these books made it possible to create an academic history of Ukrainian cinema. Of the planned three volumes, only two were published. And there was a certain regularity in this. The fast-moving course of events, the change in social attitudes made the third volume obsolete already in the manuscript. Did this mean the rewriting of history, about which some learned men lamented? Probably not. It's just that history began to reveal its secrets, which had been carefully hidden for a long time. And artistic phenomena, accompanied, it would seem, by a fixed look, suddenly appear in their other renewed quality.

A language issue During the 1990s and 2000s, domestic film companies actively cooperated with foreign ones, making films and TV series aimed not only at the Ukrainian consumer. Most often, cooperation was carried out with Russian film companies, and since 2014, the volume of such work has decreased to almost zero. There was a reorientation towards European partners for the joint creation of film projects: "Frost" (Lithuania, Ukraine, France, Poland, 2017), "Izy" (Ukraine, Italy, 2017), "Brama" (Ukraine, USA, 2017), etc.

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An important event in the development of cinema art in the 30s was the invention of sound. This new discovery actively influenced the development of the system of cinematic expressiveness, became an important component of the film image and led to the emergence of musical film genres: musicals, film operas, etc. At the same time, analyzing this period in the history of world cinema, it is necessary to remember that the 30s of the 20th century. were associated with acute social cataclysms. On the one hand, the Great Depression, which stunned the USA, and on the other hand, the imminent danger of fascism and totalitarianism, which loomed over Europe, gave rise to feelings of insecurity, fear, and tragic foreboding in the artists of the 1930s.

Chaplin began his career in cinema at the Keystone Film studio. It was headed by the patriarch of American comedy M. Sennett, whose school also went through the famous comedians B. Keaton and G. Lloyd. However, the real "godfather" of American cinema of the beginning of the 20th century. certainly was D. W. Griffith (1875–1948). His films, among which the Birth of a Nation and Intolerance should be especially noted, enriched not only US cinema, but also the entire world cinema with new means of expression, improvement of the specifics of montage (parallel montage). Extremely interesting experiments are taking place at the same time and on the other side of the ocean - in the countries of Eastern Europe, in particular in Russia, where directors Ya. Protazanov, V. Gardin, E. Bauer, whose work was connected with the flourishing of the melodrama genre, are actively working.

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