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Crime detection, "resolving relations" between gangster groups, etc., become the basis of crime film plots. The actions of the films take place mainly in the USA in the 1930s and 1940s. Karate films differ little from ordinary action films. But in the confrontation between the characters of karate films, the bet is not on the use of firearms, but on hand-to-hand combat using the techniques of oriental martial arts.


On October 6, 1927, the premiere of the first film in which the audience could hear the actors took place, it was the film "The Jazz Singer". The era of sound cinema and the "Golden Age" of Hollywood began. The concept of "movie star" appeared. In 1929, the film "The Jazz Singer" was awarded a special "Oscar" award for the creation of the first sound film. Over the next thirty years, thousands of films were released. The main genres of American cinema were clearly defined - westerns, comedies, melodramas, musicals, thrillers, etc.

Action (action) is a genre of film art that illustrates the well-known thesis: "Goodness must have fists." The main character faces evil. Not finding the possibility of a peaceful solution to the situation, he resorts to violence, as a result of which dozens and sometimes hundreds of villains are destroyed. "Happy end" is an indispensable attribute of an action movie, evil must be punished.

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The Western avant-garde of the 1920s is vividly represented in French cinematography, in particular in the films of R. Clair (1890–1981) - "Paris Fell Asleep." "Intermission"; A. Hansa (1889–198'!) – "Wheel", "Napoleon"; in the surrealist tapes of L. Beunuel ([900_1983) – "Andalusian Dog", "The Golden Age" and in the cinema of Germany, in the depths of which the direction that was called film expressionism arose. Its prominent representatives were R. Wiene (1881–1938) – the director of the film “Cab!net of Dr. Caligari”, which is considered a manifesto of this direction, F. Lang (1890–1976) – “The Nibelungen”, “Weary Death”: F. Murnau (1889–1931) – "Nosferatu", "The Last Man".

The further development of the world film process in the 1940s and 1960s was associated with the emergence of various directions that testified to the interesting searches and experiments that took place in its bowels. Prominent artists of world cinema stood near their origins. Thus, the phenomenon of "Italian neorealism" was associated with the names of R. Rossellini - "Rome - an open city", "Paisa"; V. De Sica - "Bicycle Thieves", "Umberto D.", "The Roof"; D. De Santis - "There is no peace under the olives", "Rome, 11 o'clock"; L. Visconti - "The Earth Trembles", "The Most Beautiful", whose creativity was stimulated by the artistic heritage of the outstanding Italian writer J. Verga.

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