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In some texts, the authors focus not so much on the film process as on its historical and social context. Thus, Z. Alfyorova draws attention to those general civilizational conflicts that were related to Ukraine and Ukrainian culture even in Soviet times. The author examines the artistic culture of Ukraine at the intersection of the influences of economic, political and socio-cultural systems and observes how the "crisis of reality", the "replacement of reality with signs of reality" is provoked both by the influence of "official" Soviet culture and the phenomena of early postmodernism. The author rightly notes that the internal dissidence of a certain circle of Ukrainian artists is reflected in the very style of screen works. However, interesting observations and theoretical generalizations do not always find concrete confirmation in the direct examination of the film process.


Cinematography has its own genre-genre structure. Unlike other forms of art, the birth date of cinematography can be named absolutely precisely - December 28, 1895. It was on this day in Paris that the brothers O. and L. Lumiere demonstrated their first film program, which contained short documentary sketches: "The exit of workers from factories", "Arrival of the train", etc. The films of the Lumière brothers started the trend towards creating documentary cinema, because in all their pictures a certain immediacy of real reality was recorded.

At the same time as the Lumiere brothers, J. Méliès began his search in cinema, with whose name the emergence of the feature film phenomenon is associated ("Red Riding Hood", "Blue Beard", "Journey to the Moon", etc.). It is in the bowels of game cinema that a system of genres will begin to form, among which melodrama, comic drama, and adventure film were particularly popular. They existed on the screen both independently and complemented each other.

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Another vivid example is the film festival "Open Night", which for the 24th year in a row opens new Ukrainian names in the field of cinematography and television production. "We. For us. About myself" is the motto of the festival, which carries fundamental for today theses regarding Ukrainian-language cinema. The main goal of the festival is to support national cinema, joint and foreign films that preserve the traditions of Ukrainian cinematography. Everyone who wants to can present his film, the two main conditions are the Ukrainian language and a twenty-minute film duration.

Movies of the thriller genre do not have clear signs, but cause the viewer a feeling of tense experience and excitement. Sometimes horror films are included in the category of thrillers, and in some places also detective-adventure films, in which the emphasis is shifted to the preparation for some unique crime. Director A. Hitchcock is considered a recognized master of thrillers.

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