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Charles Spencer Chaplin (1889–1977) is an American film actor and film director. The phenomenon of Ch. Chaplin is the embodiment of the theory of "author's cinema" (the artist simultaneously acted as a screenwriter, director, actor, and composer in most of his films). His artistic output will forever remain in the history of world cinematography as a bright example of interpretation of the "comic" category. Chaplin's creative path includes three stages. The first is the period of the artist's formation, when experience was accumulated, active experimentation was carried out in the field of form and style, pictorial structure.

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A special place in the book is occupied by a purely theoretical approach to the phenomena of Ukrainian cinema offered by V. Horpenko. The author considers the history of cinema as an architectural typology, focusing on the analysis of a variety of types, genres, stylistic directions, on the transformation of life observations into specific, concrete forms of artistic works. Studying the director's score of various screen works based on their genre and stylistic features, the author singles out separate systems of language production in cinema - epic, lyrical, lyrical-epic and dramatic, seeing in their manifestation and interaction in specific screen texts the key to creating a scientific history of cinema.

The US film industry has developed a system of multi-genre independent cinema: both cult films and creative experiments by directors. As a rule, these are low-budget films made by little-known directors. "Independent films" are mainly non-commercial films that bring maximum profit to their creators, such as blockbusters, and therefore in them you can often see some creative experiments. Most often, it is from "independent" cinema that world-class stars emerge: for example, the debut film of the famous K. Tarantino was the film "Mad Dogs", which is now called a classic of independent cinema.

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On October 6, 1927, the premiere of the first film in which the audience could hear the actors took place, it was the film "The Jazz Singer". The era of sound cinema and the "Golden Age" of Hollywood began. The concept of "movie star" appeared. In 1929, the film "The Jazz Singer" was awarded a special "Oscar" award for the creation of the first sound film. Over the next thirty years, thousands of films were released. The main genres of American cinema were clearly defined - westerns, comedies, melodramas, musicals, thrillers, etc.

The further development of the world film process in the 1940s and 1960s was associated with the emergence of various directions that testified to the interesting searches and experiments that took place in its bowels. Prominent artists of world cinema stood near their origins. Thus, the phenomenon of "Italian neorealism" was associated with the names of R. Rossellini - "Rome - an open city", "Paisa"; V. De Sica - "Bicycle Thieves", "Umberto D.", "The Roof"; D. De Santis - "There is no peace under the olives", "Rome, 11 o'clock"; L. Visconti - "The Earth Trembles", "The Most Beautiful", whose creativity was stimulated by the artistic heritage of the outstanding Italian writer J. Verga.

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