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Wide use of archival materials seems to us to be especially valuable in scientific research. This concerns the historical exploration of the Kharkiv researcher V. Myslavsky, dedicated to the first decade of game cinema. The author "equipped" his essay with numerous references to pre-revolutionary film magazines and beautiful iconographic material. Footage from "pre-revolutionary" films is all the more valuable because the tapes themselves have hardly survived.


Our editors conducted a survey in which 100 respondents of different ages and genders took part. According to the results, 75% of the respondents claim that they mostly do not watch Ukrainian cinema and have a neutral attitude towards it, although their further answers let us understand that they still watch Ukrainian cinema without identifying it with Ukraine. When asked to mention Ukrainian film works, 40% of respondents could not give an answer. Among the 60% of respondents who were able to remember Ukrainian cinema, the following films were most often mentioned: "Squat32" (2019, romantic drama), "Mykyta Kozhumyak" (2016, cartoon), "Devoted" (2020, historical drama), "Mad Wedding" (2018, comedy), "I, You, He, She" (2018, comedy).

The literature and social activities of J. Osborn and J. Kerouac had a significant influence on the American film process of the 60s, which determined the figurative and thematic orientation of the "counterculture" phenomenon. The tendency to the emergence of new directions occurs in the 60s of the XX century. and in the countries of Eastern Europe, in particular, in Russia, there is a "movement of the sixties", which in the art of cinema is associated with the work of M. Khutsiev - "Zastava Ilyich" and "July Rain"; A. Tarkovsky - "Ivan's Childhood"; G. Danelia - "I walk around Moscow", "Don't be sad", and became a cinematic reflection on the "Khrushchev thaw".

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The 20s of the 20th century were marked by the creation of Ukrainian film studios. Many tapes were shot under their guidance, which became famous all over the world. A film was shot on the territory of the Odesa Film Studio, which later became a business card of the city and was included in the top ten films of world cinema. We are talking about "Battleship Potemkin" by Sergei Eisenstein. It is impossible not to mention the films of Oleksandr Dovzhenko, the central figure of Ukrainian cinema. O. Dovzhenko's style gave birth to a new direction of "Ukrainian poetic cinema": "Zvenigora", "Arsenal", "Zemlya". The latter takes the 2nd position in the list of the 100 best films in the history of Ukrainian cinema and is included in the top 12 films of all times and nations. Such a top was formed based on the results of a survey of 117 film historians and film experts from 26 countries of the world at the Fifth World Exhibition held in Brussels in 1958.

The main genres of American art cinema were finally formed in the 1920s and 1940s. 20th century Consumer demand for film products played a big role in this process, because the cinema depended on how profitable the films were.

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