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The advantage of "Essays" is the structuring of the material full of internal logic, the examination of artistic phenomena from different perspectives, from different angles of view, which gives the study scientific volume and stereoscopicity.


Cinematography of the Soviet period of the 30s of the XX century. became a kind of mirror of the totalitarian era, because all cinematographic genres of that time fulfilled certain "social orders". A vivid example of this was the historian-revolutionary film presented by M. Romm's dilogy - "Lengn in October" and "Lenin in 1918"; trilogy by H. Kozintsev and L. Trauberg - "Maxim's Youth", "Maxim's Return" and "Vyborzka Side"; paintings by S. Yutkevich - "Man with a gun", the Vasiliev brothers - "Chapaev"; O. Dovzhenka - Shchors.

At the same time as the Lumiere brothers, J. Méliès began his search in cinema, with whose name the emergence of the feature film phenomenon is associated ("Red Riding Hood", "Blue Beard", "Journey to the Moon", etc.). It is in the bowels of game cinema that a system of genres will begin to form, among which melodrama, comic drama, and adventure film were particularly popular. They existed on the screen both independently and complemented each other.

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Yuriy Shevchuk, founder and director of the Ukrainian Film Club of Columbia University, in his article " Language in the Modern Cinema of Ukraine", described this phenomenon as follows: "Ukrainian film aphorisms were included in the Russian collection "Flying Phrases and Aphorisms of the National Cinema" entirely according to the logic of colonialism, becoming a fact of imperial culture . Thus, a change in language causes a change in the national identity of a cultural product. Ukrainian film aphorisms, like entire films translated into Russian, ceased to belong to the people who created them, and became Russian not only for Russians, but also in the minds of Ukrainians themselves."

The modern cinema of the United States is a huge film industry of Hollywood, located near Los Angeles, California, where the offices and filming pavilions of the largest film companies of the United States are located.

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