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A special place in the book is occupied by a purely theoretical approach to the phenomena of Ukrainian cinema offered by V. Horpenko. The author considers the history of cinema as an architectural typology, focusing on the analysis of a variety of types, genres, stylistic directions, on the transformation of life observations into specific, concrete forms of artistic works. Studying the director's score of various screen works based on their genre and stylistic features, the author singles out separate systems of language production in cinema - epic, lyrical, lyrical-epic and dramatic, seeing in their manifestation and interaction in specific screen texts the key to creating a scientific history of cinema.


The logical conclusion of Ch. Chaplin's search were the films "The Tramp", "The Kid", "The Pilgrim", "On the Shoulder" and others. The second stage is the flowering of the talent of the film artist, which was convincingly evidenced by the release of his recognized masterpieces - "Lights of the Big City" and "New Times". The first and second stages of Ch. Chaplin's work are united by the image of Charlie the vagabond - a symbol of the director himself. The third stage in the artist's legacy is the stage of high professionalism associated with the films "The Great Dictator", "The King in New York". "Monsieur Verdu" and others.

This fate did not escape actors: yes, John Wayne, Ridley Scott were associated with westerns, Edward Robinson - with gangster films, John Crawford and Barbara Stanwyck - with melodramas, Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi - with horror films, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone - with action films, Jim Carrey, Leslie Nilsson - with comedies. The most popular cinematographic genre is detective: showing crimes, their investigation and identification of the guilty. Varieties of this genre are action, or action, western, gangster film, martial arts film and some thrillers.

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V. Skurativskyi, considering the film process of the totalitarian era, resorts to convincing generalizations, searching for certain regularities according to which the cinematography of that era existed and developed. Analyzing the cinematographic works of the 1920s, S. Trimbach traces film processes in the context of national culture, highlighting the personality of O. Dovzhenko in a "close-up", emphasizing how fateful the appearance of this artist was for Ukrainian cinema.

A language issue During the 1990s and 2000s, domestic film companies actively cooperated with foreign ones, making films and TV series aimed not only at the Ukrainian consumer. Most often, cooperation was carried out with Russian film companies, and since 2014, the volume of such work has decreased to almost zero. There was a reorientation towards European partners for the joint creation of film projects: "Frost" (Lithuania, Ukraine, France, Poland, 2017), "Izy" (Ukraine, Italy, 2017), "Brama" (Ukraine, USA, 2017), etc.

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