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diziler the puppet master hunting the ultimate conman

Cinematography of the Soviet period of the 30s of the XX century. became a kind of mirror of the totalitarian era, because all cinematographic genres of that time fulfilled certain "social orders". A vivid example of this was the historian-revolutionary film presented by M. Romm's dilogy - "Lengn in October" and "Lenin in 1918"; trilogy by H. Kozintsev and L. Trauberg - "Maxim's Youth", "Maxim's Return" and "Vyborzka Side"; paintings by S. Yutkevich - "Man with a gun", the Vasiliev brothers - "Chapaev"; O. Dovzhenka - Shchors.


Scorsese and others; western– "Dances with Wolves"K. Kostner, psychological dramas - "Marathonets"J. Schlesinger, "Rain Man" by B. Levinsop, "Scent of a Woman" by M.Brest, "People vs. LarryFlint" by M. Foreman; disaster films - "Titanic" by D. Cameron and others.A characteristic feature of the modern American film process is active involvement incollaboration of leading foreign directors - L.Besson ("The Fifth Element", "Joan of Arc"), E.Kusturitsy ("Undegrau nd"), J.By ("Without a face"), E.Mengele ("The Englishman and the Patient","That gentleman is talentedRipley"), etc.The starry sky of Hollywood flash is new names. Nearwith recognized stars of the 80s and 90sx pp. A.Schwarzenegger , S. Stallone, R. Girom G. Ford,K. Costner, T. Cruz, N.Cage, S. Stone, K. Basinger, J. Foster, young actors A.diCaprio, E. North, D. Lowe.So, the cycle of acting life in Hollywood is endless...Characterizing recent significant eventsin US cinema, noone can not forget the phenomenon thatgot the name "tarantinomania". It's about creativityK. Tarantino. His movie" It's not a crimereading material" became to a certain extentepochal for the entire world film process. This istestimonythat the film world is tired of crueltyand started laughing. Today, K. Tarantino is considereda peculiar symbol of the new cinema, whichwon favor asintellectuals , yesandmass audience.

At the same time as the Lumiere brothers, J. Méliès began his search in cinema, with whose name the emergence of the feature film phenomenon is associated ("Red Riding Hood", "Blue Beard", "Journey to the Moon", etc.). It is in the bowels of game cinema that a system of genres will begin to form, among which melodrama, comic drama, and adventure film were particularly popular. They existed on the screen both independently and complemented each other.

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A characteristic feature of the artist's filmmaking is "actingversatility ", because breadthhis artistic range enables him to work brilliantly indifferent genres:to a police fighter ("Panic inNeedle Park", "Serpico", "Sea of ​​Love", "Clash andetc.);psychological dramawith elements of mysticism ("Lawyerthe devil") ; a gangster film(" I'm with a facescar", "Carlito's Way", etc.),drama ("Scarecrow", "Bobby Deerfield" (screen adaptationE. M. Remarque's novel "Lifein debt"), melodramas with elements of comedy ("Author ! Author!","Francis and Johnny") and others.In all theirsAl Pacino's works demonstrate the highest level of acting professionalism.Every movie is from himparticipation is artistica perfect work that always inspires admirationviewersHowever, the most significant creative achievements ofAl Pacino's film production is primarily associated withtrilogy by F. F. Coppola "The Godfather", in which the actor created the image of the head of the mafiaMichael Corleone's clan, and the film "The Scent of a Woman" directed by M. Brest – deeplypsychological film entertainment aboutthe adventures of a blind colonel of the American army, for whichthe artist was awarded the highest prize of the American Film Academy - goldstatuettesOscar.

In some texts, the authors focus not so much on the film process as on its historical and social context. Thus, Z. Alfyorova draws attention to those general civilizational conflicts that were related to Ukraine and Ukrainian culture even in Soviet times. The author examines the artistic culture of Ukraine at the intersection of the influences of economic, political and socio-cultural systems and observes how the "crisis of reality", the "replacement of reality with signs of reality" is provoked both by the influence of "official" Soviet culture and the phenomena of early postmodernism. The author rightly notes that the internal dissidence of a certain circle of Ukrainian artists is reflected in the very style of screen works. However, interesting observations and theoretical generalizations do not always find concrete confirmation in the direct examination of the film process.

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