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Charles Spencer Chaplin (1889–1977) is an American film actor and film director. The phenomenon of Ch. Chaplin is the embodiment of the theory of "author's cinema" (the artist simultaneously acted as a screenwriter, director, actor, and composer in most of his films). His artistic output will forever remain in the history of world cinematography as a bright example of interpretation of the "comic" category. Chaplin's creative path includes three stages. The first is the period of the artist's formation, when experience was accumulated, active experimentation was carried out in the field of form and style, pictorial structure.


A characteristic feature of French cinematography in the 30s–60s of the 20th century. was his constant connection with the processes taking place in the philosophical environment. Thus, the creativity of the country's leading cinematographers (M. Carnet, J. Renoir, A. René, etc.), who worked in different historical periods and held different aesthetic positions, was stimulated by the concepts of the outstanding European theoretician A. Bergson. The American "counterculture", which was based on the concept of neo-Freudianism, the idea of ​​youth rebellion, was represented by A. Penn's films "The Chase" and "Little Big Man"; M. Nichols "Graduate"; D. Hopper's "Light Rider"; M. Forman - "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" etc.

("Chained with one chain", "OnBerezi", "Nuremberg Trial" ). Ownmakes the best tapesA. Hitchcock ("Vertigo", "Psycho", "Birds"), The film "Birds" in American cinema wasa new film genre was launched - a disaster film based on the struggle of man withnatural elements (fire, water, earthquake) andrepresentatives of the animal world.At the same time, young people are increasingly actively asserting themselvescinematographers . In the beginning"conflict of generations" the films "Marty" by D. Mann and "Twelveangry men" by S. Lumet,however, he threw the most serious challenge to "old Hollywood".the idol of the youth of that time J. Dean -performer of the main role ina film with a symbolic title"Rebel without an ideal".Among the prominent actors of the second half of the 50s -early 60shas a special placeMy favorites are newgenerations of Americans of different social classes Marilyn Monroe.Today, films with her participation ("All about Eve", "Niagara", "Only in jazzgirls" etc.) quiteare often shown on television. Documentaries and feature films are devoted to the life of the actresstapes, books have been written about her, but the mystery of the death of Marilyn Monroe, which is not yet knownrevealed, continues to worry future generationsher fans.In the second half of the 60s- the first half of the 70sHollywood is going through a thematic periodrenewal.

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A musical film is a musical or an operetta transferred from the stage to the screen. Attributes of these films are a large number of songs, dances, bright costumes and scenery. A musical film must have elements of melodrama.

Despite the crisis of the US economy in the 1930s, the American cinematography of this period experienced the highest rise and prosperity - its "golden age". The viewer wanted to watch movies more than ever. This unexpected, at first glance, situation was explained quite simply. Along with exquisite elitist paintings by J. Ford (1895-1974) "The Grapes of Wrath", "Young Mr. Lincoln", W. Wyler (1902-1981) "The Dead Corner", "The Foxes", O. Wells (1915-1985) " Citizen Kane", which admired for its innovation in the field of drama, in the system of expressive means, stunned with its psychological depth and social significance, commercial genres are becoming widespread: gangster films, horror films, melodramas, musicals, westerns, etc. So, American cinema of the 1930s performed a certain compensatory function, distracting the viewer from life's problems.

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