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diziler taj mahal 1989

Paintings by V. I. Pudovkin "Mother", "End of St. Petersburg". "Descendants of Genghis Khan" made a significant contribution to the development of the imaginative nature of cinema, contributed to the enrichment of its montage specificity.


In adventure films, unlike an action film, the emphasis is shifted from gross violence to the cleverness of the characters, the ability to outwit and deceive the villain. At the same time, the hero must get out of difficult situations in an original way.

The French "new wave" is directly associated with the work of J.L. Godard - "On the Last Breath"; F. Truffaut - "400 blows"; A. Rene - "Hiroshima, my love." The films of these directors were characterized by improvisation, reportage, which enabled artists to depict the absurdity of the world, the cruel laws of society that oppress the individual. The French invariance of the philosophy of existentialism, which was represented by the concepts of J.-P. Sartre, A. Camus and S. de Beauvoir.

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Horror films include films intended to frighten the viewer, to cause a feeling of anxiety and fear, to create a tense atmosphere of horror or painful anticipation of something terrible. The main characters of such tapes are vampires, werewolves, zombies, etc. As in many genres of cinema, in horror films, a picture of the struggle between Good and Evil appears before the viewer. However, the victory does not always remain with the Good.

The films of V. Shukshin - "Stoves-benches", "Viburnum Red" arouse considerable interest among viewers and scientists; O. Mindadze and V. Abdrashitova - "The Train Stopped", "Parade of the Planets", "Plumbum, or a Dangerous Game"; M. Mikhalkova – "Slave of Love", "Unfinished piece for mechanical piano", "Tired by the sun"; G. Panfilova - "The Beginning", "I'm Asking for Words" and others.

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