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Yuriy Shevchuk, founder and director of the Ukrainian Film Club of Columbia University, in his article " Language in the Modern Cinema of Ukraine", described this phenomenon as follows: "Ukrainian film aphorisms were included in the Russian collection "Flying Phrases and Aphorisms of the National Cinema" entirely according to the logic of colonialism, becoming a fact of imperial culture . Thus, a change in language causes a change in the national identity of a cultural product. Ukrainian film aphorisms, like entire films translated into Russian, ceased to belong to the people who created them, and became Russian not only for Russians, but also in the minds of Ukrainians themselves."


The films of V. Shukshin - "Stoves-benches", "Viburnum Red" arouse considerable interest among viewers and scientists; O. Mindadze and V. Abdrashitova - "The Train Stopped", "Parade of the Planets", "Plumbum, or a Dangerous Game"; M. Mikhalkova – "Slave of Love", "Unfinished piece for mechanical piano", "Tired by the sun"; G. Panfilova - "The Beginning", "I'm Asking for Words" and others.

The literature and social activities of J. Osborn and J. Kerouac had a significant influence on the American film process of the 60s, which determined the figurative and thematic orientation of the "counterculture" phenomenon. The tendency to the emergence of new directions occurs in the 60s of the XX century. and in the countries of Eastern Europe, in particular, in Russia, there is a "movement of the sixties", which in the art of cinema is associated with the work of M. Khutsiev - "Zastava Ilyich" and "July Rain"; A. Tarkovsky - "Ivan's Childhood"; G. Danelia - "I walk around Moscow", "Don't be sad", and became a cinematic reflection on the "Khrushchev thaw".

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Despite the crisis of the US economy in the 1930s, the American cinematography of this period experienced the highest rise and prosperity - its "golden age". The viewer wanted to watch movies more than ever. This unexpected, at first glance, situation was explained quite simply. Along with exquisite elitist paintings by J. Ford (1895-1974) "The Grapes of Wrath", "Young Mr. Lincoln", W. Wyler (1902-1981) "The Dead Corner", "The Foxes", O. Wells (1915-1985) " Citizen Kane", which admired for its innovation in the field of drama, in the system of expressive means, stunned with its psychological depth and social significance, commercial genres are becoming widespread: gangster films, horror films, melodramas, musicals, westerns, etc. So, American cinema of the 1930s performed a certain compensatory function, distracting the viewer from life's problems.

Wide use of archival materials seems to us to be especially valuable in scientific research. This concerns the historical exploration of the Kharkiv researcher V. Myslavsky, dedicated to the first decade of game cinema. The author "equipped" his essay with numerous references to pre-revolutionary film magazines and beautiful iconographic material. Footage from "pre-revolutionary" films is all the more valuable because the tapes themselves have hardly survived.

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