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diziler perpetual grace izle 2 diziler diziler index

The last three decades of the 20th century. become a prime time for outstanding artists of our time: F. Fellini - "Rome", "Amarcord", "A ship sails..."; M. Antonioni - "Zabrisky Point", "Profession: reporter"; L. Visconti - "Death of the Gods", "Death in Venice", "Ludwig", "Family portrait in the interior" (Italy); I. Bergman – "Snake's Egg", "Autumn Sonata", "Fanny and Alexander" (Sweden); A. Kurosawa - "Seven Samurai", "Shadow of the Warrior", "Wound" (Japan); A. Tarkovsky - "Andrii Rublev", "Solyarke", "Stalker", "Nostalgia" (Russia).


A kind of alternative to the European cinema of the 20s was American film art, which was characterized by a realistic reflection of reality in the films of E. von Stroheim (1885–1957) - "Greed"; K. Vidora (1894–1982) - "Crowd"; in the tragicomedies of Ch. Chaplin - "Pilgrim", "Parisian Woman", "Gold Rush" and others.

Such a significant phenomenon as Ukrainian poetic cinematography has been in the circle of scientific interests of L. Bryukhovetska for a long time. Perhaps, that is why the chapter written by this author is marked by special thoroughness and persuasiveness. Separately, it is worth noting the detailed filmography, which gives the chapter even greater scientific value.

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V. Skurativskyi, considering the film process of the totalitarian era, resorts to convincing generalizations, searching for certain regularities according to which the cinematography of that era existed and developed. Analyzing the cinematographic works of the 1920s, S. Trimbach traces film processes in the context of national culture, highlighting the personality of O. Dovzhenko in a "close-up", emphasizing how fateful the appearance of this artist was for Ukrainian cinema.

Chaplin's creative output attracted the attention of researchers who tried to understand the reason for the extraordinary popularity of this actor. Perhaps the secret of the great artist's success was that his hero - Charlie the tramp - looked at the world through the eyes of a child; he could make the viewer laugh and sympathize at the same time.

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