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The tape "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" owed its success to the brilliant synthesis of the original literary source (the novel of the same name by M. Kotsyubynskyi), directing, cinematography and artistic skill, music, and acting. That is why the success of this film was shared between director S. Paradzhanov, cameraman Yu. Illenko, artist H. Yakutovych, composer M. Skoryk, actors I. Mykolaichuk, L. Kadochnikova.


New Ukrainian film art The rapid growth of Ukrainian cinema began relatively recently. Even at the beginning of the 21st century, new Ukrainian films remained invisible to the Ukrainian audience, and there was not even a word about the world one. In recent years, the situation has changed radically. The film is noticed, it regularly appears on the big screens and enters world film festivals. The Law "On State Support of Cinematography in Ukraine", adopted in 2017, unlike its previous version, increased the possibilities of state funding. New mechanisms aimed at supporting cinematography are being implemented: strengthening the protection of copyright and audiovisual rights on the air, financing of television series. Such initiatives should form a balanced system of the film process and everything related to it: film education, film production and film distribution. The law makes it possible to partially recover qualified expenses for the promotion of cinematography at the national level. In this way, film studios and cinemas "on wheels" are supported in small cities of Ukraine.

Chaplin's creative output attracted the attention of researchers who tried to understand the reason for the extraordinary popularity of this actor. Perhaps the secret of the great artist's success was that his hero - Charlie the tramp - looked at the world through the eyes of a child; he could make the viewer laugh and sympathize at the same time.

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Television (from the Greek ieie - far and the Latin iikio - vision) occupies a significant place in popularizing the art of cinema. Recently, it has become an important means of mass communication, without which it is impossible to imagine today's life. Television has its own genre structure, which it constantly develops and improves. That is why television is considered an integral factor in the cultural process today and occupies a special place in the life of a modern person.

The first film studio in Hollywood was founded in 1911. Later, four major film companies were created - "Paramount Pictures" (1912 p.), "Warner Brothers" (1918 p.), "Columbia Pictures" (1919 p.), "Metro Goldwyn Mayer » (1924 p.), whose studios were in Hollywood, as well as several smaller companies. The first film that started the history of Hollywood was the western directed by Cecil B. de Mille, Indian Man.

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