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During the years of its independence, Ukraine continued to be under pressure from Russia and its language. Let's watch the famous Ukrainian series: "Matchmakers", "Sniffer", "Female Doctor". All of them are in Russian. It is not surprising that catchphrases from Ukrainian cinema do not "fly" in the world. In fact, they "fly", and, unfortunately, in Russian.


Wide use of archival materials seems to us to be especially valuable in scientific research. This concerns the historical exploration of the Kharkiv researcher V. Myslavsky, dedicated to the first decade of game cinema. The author "equipped" his essay with numerous references to pre-revolutionary film magazines and beautiful iconographic material. Footage from "pre-revolutionary" films is all the more valuable because the tapes themselves have hardly survived.

Avant-garde experiments cover almost all the leading cinematographies of the world. A bright page in the history of cinematography of the 20s is connected with the cinematography of the Soviet period, in particular with the work of L. V. Kuleshov (1899–1970) - "The Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. West in the Country of the Bolsheviks", "Death Ray", etc. - which, based on based on his own "model theory", created the First School of Film Actors (O. Khokhlova, B. Barnet, V. Pudovkin, S. Komarov, etc.); Dzygy Vertov (1896–1954) - an outstanding documentarian, the founder of journalistic cinema ("Sixth part of the world", "Symphony of Donbass") and the FEKS group (Factory of Eccentric Actor), which was organized by H. M. Kozintsev and L. 3. Trauberg , who in their artistic experiments relied on the principles of eccentricity ("Overcoat", "SVD", "New Babylon").

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Hollywood is notonly movie studios andabode of the stars, thisalso a huge television business,record companies, commercial publishing houses , tourist offices.In a word, gigantica machine that continuously delivers entertainment and100% subject to lawsbusiness world. There is no profit herefrom the box office is only a thin onetop layer ANDthe lion's share of profits to companiesprovide product placement(let's remember, for example , howin the film "The Matrix" ineveryone flashes before our eyes every secondpossible products of the Samsung brand, andlet's try to imagine how much she earned from thisfilm studio), sale of rights tofilms for airlines, use of heroes ingames/comics/advertisements , releasesouvenir products.Let's not forget, no matter howI wanted to forget about it, that Hollywood cinema is quietalso serves state interests. Often the customer of that orthere is another tapePentagon. "The green onesberet" by John Ray, "The best shooter" by Tony Scott,"Pearl Harbor" by Michael Bay, "A Dayindependence " by Roland Emmerich, "Thirty minutes aftermidnight" Kathryn Bigelow, "Man fromof steel" by Zack Snyder and many other films in whichor else a good word soundsabout the state and its military power, removedto order and with solid financial participationPentagon.

This film forever engraved the director's name in the list of outstanding artists20th century worldcinematography In front of it, F. F. Coppola, U.Friedkin, S. Lumet and others.Thematic update by Gollywood was conditioned by the need forchanging the hero. Yes, inthe second half of the 60s -in the first half of the 70s appear on the screen like thiscalled antiheroes. Unlikelegendary x handsome men, "knights without fear"reproach" of the 30s,new heroes havecertainhuman weaknesses, but under any conditions they do not lose their sense of self-worth. Such imagesembodied by outstanding actors, known to the whole world as the brilliant Hollywood four - D. Hoffman,R. De Niro, J. Nicholson, Al Pacino.Al Pacino, outstandingAmerican and actorof Italian origin, pupil of the Higherschool of performing arts of TV, organically combines work in the theater in its activitiesand cinema.However, the worldwide fame of Al Pacinoidentified with cinema.

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