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Movies of the thriller genre do not have clear signs, but cause the viewer a feeling of tense experience and excitement. Sometimes horror films are included in the category of thrillers, and in some places also detective-adventure films, in which the emphasis is shifted to the preparation for some unique crime. Director A. Hitchcock is considered a recognized master of thrillers.


In general, the number of such festivals throughout Ukraine is immeasurably large. Odesa International Film Festival, Kyiv International Film Festival "Youth", Kharkiv International Festival "Kharkiv MeetDocs", "New Ukrainian Cinema" in Luhansk region, "Days of Ukrainian Cinema" in Lviv, etc.

The appearance of "Essays" was a qualitatively new step in the development of domestic film studies. A wide range of scientists belonging to different schools and directions in film studies took part in the work. The authors did not set themselves the goal of consistently covering all stages of the formation and development of cinematography on the territory of Ukraine. But, without a doubt, the compilers and authors managed to focus on key moments, trace the most important regularities of the filmmaking process. Issues that have remained on the margins of the historical science of cinema have come into focus. Separate chapters are devoted to both local phenomena and entire historical stages, and the authors mostly build their research on a solid theoretical foundation.

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The specified period turned out to be extremely rich for the cinematography of Ukraine in terms of the thematic focus, which was represented by the historical and biographical genre: "Taras Shevchenko", "I'm Coming to You", "Yaroslav the Wise", "The Legend of Princess Olga", "Danilo - Prince of Halytskyi" and others; interpretation of the theme of the Great Patriotic War: "Only "old men" go to battle", "Aty-dad, the soldiers went", the trilogy about Kovpak, "High Pass", etc.; psychological drama: "/Bathroom", "Commissars", "Long Farewells", "Military-Field Romance", "White Bird with a Black Badge", "Flight in a Dream and Awake", "Rooks", "How Young We Were ", "A wedding is accused", "Adam's rib", "Three stories", etc.; screen adaptations: "Malva", "Sailor Chizhik", "At a high price", "Land", "After two hares", "Weed", "Bread and salt", "Stone cross", "Lost letter", "Babylon -XX", "Black chicken,

Television (from the Greek ieie - far and the Latin iikio - vision) occupies a significant place in popularizing the art of cinema. Recently, it has become an important means of mass communication, without which it is impossible to imagine today's life. Television has its own genre structure, which it constantly develops and improves. That is why television is considered an integral factor in the cultural process today and occupies a special place in the life of a modern person.

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