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Chaplin began his career in cinema at the Keystone Film studio. It was headed by the patriarch of American comedy M. Sennett, whose school also went through the famous comedians B. Keaton and G. Lloyd. However, the real "godfather" of American cinema of the beginning of the 20th century. certainly was D. W. Griffith (1875–1948). His films, among which the Birth of a Nation and Intolerance should be especially noted, enriched not only US cinema, but also the entire world cinema with new means of expression, improvement of the specifics of montage (parallel montage). Extremely interesting experiments are taking place at the same time and on the other side of the ocean - in the countries of Eastern Europe, in particular in Russia, where directors Ya. Protazanov, V. Gardin, E. Bauer, whose work was connected with the flourishing of the melodrama genre, are actively working.


A premonition of an inevitable tragedy permeates the work of the masters of French cinematography, in particular the films of "poetic realism" by J. Préver and M. Carnet - "The Embankment of Mists", "The Day Begins"; paintings by J. Renoir - "The Great Illusion", "Rules of the Game", "Man-Beast". Therefore, it is no coincidence that the number one actor of the French cinema of this period is Jean Gabin, whose hero defies history and is doomed to death. This gave the well-known theoretician and film historian A. Bazen reason to call Gaben a tragic modern hero.

A characteristic feature of the artist's filmmaking is "actingversatility ", because breadthhis artistic range enables him to work brilliantly indifferent genres:to a police fighter ("Panic inNeedle Park", "Serpico", "Sea of ​​Love", "Clash andetc.);psychological dramawith elements of mysticism ("Lawyerthe devil") ; a gangster film(" I'm with a facescar", "Carlito's Way", etc.),drama ("Scarecrow", "Bobby Deerfield" (screen adaptationE. M. Remarque's novel "Lifein debt"), melodramas with elements of comedy ("Author ! Author!","Francis and Johnny") and others.In all theirsAl Pacino's works demonstrate the highest level of acting professionalism.Every movie is from himparticipation is artistica perfect work that always inspires admirationviewersHowever, the most significant creative achievements ofAl Pacino's film production is primarily associated withtrilogy by F. F. Coppola "The Godfather", in which the actor created the image of the head of the mafiaMichael Corleone's clan, and the film "The Scent of a Woman" directed by M. Brest – deeplypsychological film entertainment aboutthe adventures of a blind colonel of the American army, for whichthe artist was awarded the highest prize of the American Film Academy - goldstatuettesOscar.

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A special place in this period was occupied by the phenomenon of film comedy, represented by the work of H. Aleksandrov (1903–1983) - "Funny Boys", "Volga-Volga", "Circus" and I. Pyryev (1901–1968) - "Bagata the bride", "Swineherd and Shepherd".

The French "new wave" is directly associated with the work of J.L. Godard - "On the Last Breath"; F. Truffaut - "400 blows"; A. Rene - "Hiroshima, my love." The films of these directors were characterized by improvisation, reportage, which enabled artists to depict the absurdity of the world, the cruel laws of society that oppress the individual. The French invariance of the philosophy of existentialism, which was represented by the concepts of J.-P. Sartre, A. Camus and S. de Beauvoir.

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