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Cinematography of the Soviet period of the 30s of the XX century. became a kind of mirror of the totalitarian era, because all cinematographic genres of that time fulfilled certain "social orders". A vivid example of this was the historian-revolutionary film presented by M. Romm's dilogy - "Lengn in October" and "Lenin in 1918"; trilogy by H. Kozintsev and L. Trauberg - "Maxim's Youth", "Maxim's Return" and "Vyborzka Side"; paintings by S. Yutkevich - "Man with a gun", the Vasiliev brothers - "Chapaev"; O. Dovzhenka - Shchors.


V. Skurativskyi, considering the film process of the totalitarian era, resorts to convincing generalizations, searching for certain regularities according to which the cinematography of that era existed and developed. Analyzing the cinematographic works of the 1920s, S. Trimbach traces film processes in the context of national culture, highlighting the personality of O. Dovzhenko in a "close-up", emphasizing how fateful the appearance of this artist was for Ukrainian cinema.

The logical conclusion of Ch. Chaplin's search were the films "The Tramp", "The Kid", "The Pilgrim", "On the Shoulder" and others. The second stage is the flowering of the talent of the film artist, which was convincingly evidenced by the release of his recognized masterpieces - "Lights of the Big City" and "New Times". The first and second stages of Ch. Chaplin's work are united by the image of Charlie the vagabond - a symbol of the director himself. The third stage in the artist's legacy is the stage of high professionalism associated with the films "The Great Dictator", "The King in New York". "Monsieur Verdu" and others.

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Action (action) is a genre of film art that illustrates the well-known thesis: "Goodness must have fists." The main character faces evil. Not finding the possibility of a peaceful solution to the situation, he resorts to violence, as a result of which dozens and sometimes hundreds of villains are destroyed. "Happy end" is an indispensable attribute of an action movie, evil must be punished.

The concept of film genre began to take shape with the establishment of the Hollywood studio system. It helped systematize the production of films and facilitated their promotion to the market. Each studio specialized in the production of films of a certain genre: Paramount Pictures produced comedies, Universal Studios - horror films, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - musicals, etc. At the same time, some directors and actors began to associate the audience with specific genres of movies: director Alfred Hitchcock — with thrillers, Jeffrey Ford — with westerns, Douglas Sirk — with melodramas, Wes Craven and Lamberto Vava — with horror films, John By — with action films , Roland Emmerich — with disaster films.

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