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The US film industry has developed a system of multi-genre independent cinema: both cult films and creative experiments by directors. As a rule, these are low-budget films made by little-known directors. "Independent films" are mainly non-commercial films that bring maximum profit to their creators, such as blockbusters, and therefore in them you can often see some creative experiments. Most often, it is from "independent" cinema that world-class stars emerge: for example, the debut film of the famous K. Tarantino was the film "Mad Dogs", which is now called a classic of independent cinema.


The first film studio in Hollywood was founded in 1911. Later, four major film companies were created - "Paramount Pictures" (1912 p.), "Warner Brothers" (1918 p.), "Columbia Pictures" (1919 p.), "Metro Goldwyn Mayer » (1924 p.), whose studios were in Hollywood, as well as several smaller companies. The first film that started the history of Hollywood was the western directed by Cecil B. de Mille, Indian Man.

Chaplin's creative output attracted the attention of researchers who tried to understand the reason for the extraordinary popularity of this actor. Perhaps the secret of the great artist's success was that his hero - Charlie the tramp - looked at the world through the eyes of a child; he could make the viewer laugh and sympathize at the same time.

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The 1960s and 1970s were rich in monographic publications, which covered specific problems of domestic cinema. In the 70s, the works of I. Kornienko "Half a century of Ukrainian Soviet cinema" (1970), "Cinema of Soviet Ukraine" (1975) were published. The appearance of these books made it possible to create an academic history of Ukrainian cinema. Of the planned three volumes, only two were published. And there was a certain regularity in this. The fast-moving course of events, the change in social attitudes made the third volume obsolete already in the manuscript. Did this mean the rewriting of history, about which some learned men lamented? Probably not. It's just that history began to reveal its secrets, which had been carefully hidden for a long time. And artistic phenomena, accompanied, it would seem, by a fixed look, suddenly appear in their other renewed quality.

The world cinematography of the 1970s and 1990s is associated with the work of its outstanding personnel, who in their films turned to various philosophical and aesthetic concepts that helped them to protest against spirituality, to affirm the ideals of humanism, and the values ​​of high human feelings.

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