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Charles Spencer Chaplin (1889–1977) is an American film actor and film director. The phenomenon of Ch. Chaplin is the embodiment of the theory of "author's cinema" (the artist simultaneously acted as a screenwriter, director, actor, and composer in most of his films). His artistic output will forever remain in the history of world cinematography as a bright example of interpretation of the "comic" category. Chaplin's creative path includes three stages. The first is the period of the artist's formation, when experience was accumulated, active experimentation was carried out in the field of form and style, pictorial structure.


The literature and social activities of J. Osborn and J. Kerouac had a significant influence on the American film process of the 60s, which determined the figurative and thematic orientation of the "counterculture" phenomenon. The tendency to the emergence of new directions occurs in the 60s of the XX century. and in the countries of Eastern Europe, in particular, in Russia, there is a "movement of the sixties", which in the art of cinema is associated with the work of M. Khutsiev - "Zastava Ilyich" and "July Rain"; A. Tarkovsky - "Ivan's Childhood"; G. Danelia - "I walk around Moscow", "Don't be sad", and became a cinematic reflection on the "Khrushchev thaw".

That is why, when studying the cinematography of the 1930s, two important aspects should be taken into account: the social one, which prevailed in the cinematography of the Soviet period, German cinema and the cinematography of the United States, and the ontological one, which gave an impetus to the understanding of the processes that took place in the French cinematography of the specified period.

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Television (from the Greek ieie - far and the Latin iikio - vision) occupies a significant place in popularizing the art of cinema. Recently, it has become an important means of mass communication, without which it is impossible to imagine today's life. Television has its own genre structure, which it constantly develops and improves. That is why television is considered an integral factor in the cultural process today and occupies a special place in the life of a modern person.

A kind of alternative to the European cinema of the 20s was American film art, which was characterized by a realistic reflection of reality in the films of E. von Stroheim (1885–1957) - "Greed"; K. Vidora (1894–1982) - "Crowd"; in the tragicomedies of Ch. Chaplin - "Pilgrim", "Parisian Woman", "Gold Rush" and others.

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