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The second period - the flowering of the artist's talent - led to the creation of O. Dovzhenko's "Slavic trilogy": "Zvenigora", "Arsenal". "Earth", which testified to the mythopoetic vision of the director, which was reflected in the visual construction of these tapes and had a significant impact on the further development of world cinema. The film "Ivan" performed the function of a "plastic bridge" to the third period in the work of O. P. Dovzhenko - the period of "two Stalinist decades", which resulted in the films "Aerograd", "ITsors", "Michurin". In the work of the director, ancient Slavic mythological ideas, the specifics of Ukrainian national self-awareness, and the philosophical understanding of common human meaningful life problems were organically combined, which led to the introduction of O. P. Dovzhenko's characters into the European cultural context.


The essay devoted to the history of animated cinema belongs to O. Shupyk, the author of numerous articles and books about Ukrainian animation. Having chosen the historical-theoretical aspect of presenting the material, the author singles out the main periods of formation and development of domestic animation. Paying attention to the development of new genre and stylistic solutions, O. Shupyk emphasizes the dynamic development of this type of cinematography, the appearance in its aesthetic space of philosophical parables, eccentric comedies, satirical-grotesque films on modern themes. Moreover, attention is not lost to national thoughts, fairy tales, legends, which were resolved in the folklore-epic vein. The process of changing generations, which resulted in a kind of fruitful competition, does not pass by the author's attention: the youth grew up "on the shoulders" of their predecessors, the "living classics" often followed the path of the searches that young artists were making.

Modern Ukrainian war documentaries 2014-? In the conditions of the war since the beginning in the territory of Donbas, the annexation of Crimea and today's full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, a "cinema boom" has been observed. "Cyborgs" (2017), "Callsign Banderas" (2018), "Volunteers of God's Chota" (2015), "On the Line of Fire" (2017), "War of Chimera" (2017), "Debaltseve" (2016). And this is only a part of the tapes that appeared on our screens between 2014 and today. All of them are high-quality, dramatic, vivid, and most importantly, Ukrainian, depicting for Ukrainians and the world everything that happened and is happening during the war in our country. Today, it is possible to confidently predict an even bigger "cinema boom" that will happen after Ukraine's victory in the war with Russia. After all, unfortunately, there will be something to show. Moreover, not only Ukrainians, but also foreign artists will shoot. Bo Willimon — an American playwright and screenwriter (screenwriter of "House of Cards") — has already voiced his desire to shoot a documentary about the crimes and genocide committed by the Rashists in the Ukrainian town of Bucha. According to the Buchansk City Council, the screenwriter is already collecting materials while in Ukraine.

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New Ukrainian film art The rapid growth of Ukrainian cinema began relatively recently. Even at the beginning of the 21st century, new Ukrainian films remained invisible to the Ukrainian audience, and there was not even a word about the world one. In recent years, the situation has changed radically. The film is noticed, it regularly appears on the big screens and enters world film festivals. The Law "On State Support of Cinematography in Ukraine", adopted in 2017, unlike its previous version, increased the possibilities of state funding. New mechanisms aimed at supporting cinematography are being implemented: strengthening the protection of copyright and audiovisual rights on the air, financing of television series. Such initiatives should form a balanced system of the film process and everything related to it: film education, film production and film distribution. The law makes it possible to partially recover qualified expenses for the promotion of cinematography at the national level. In this way, film studios and cinemas "on wheels" are supported in small cities of Ukraine.

A kind of alternative to the European cinema of the 20s was American film art, which was characterized by a realistic reflection of reality in the films of E. von Stroheim (1885–1957) - "Greed"; K. Vidora (1894–1982) - "Crowd"; in the tragicomedies of Ch. Chaplin - "Pilgrim", "Parisian Woman", "Gold Rush" and others.

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