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Young film directors who demonstrated their abilities were J. Lucas, S. Spielberg, M. Scorsese, F. Ford Coppola, B. de Palma. It was this group of directors that shaped modern cinema as it entered the 21st century. their films were a resounding success, and it was they who became the founders of the "blockbuster" genre. The heads of major studios trusted young directors and invited them for filming, since it was they, coming from film schools and small studios, who knew how to fit into very "modest" budgets. A new era has begun in Hollywood filmmaking.


The theoretical basis of the Western avant-garde became the psychoanalytic concept of 3. Freud, the main task of which was to penetrate into the hiding place of the human psyche and explain the specifics of the unconscious. The experiments of the French avant-garde and German expressionists became vivid film illustrations of psychoanalytic theory.

A characteristic feature of the artist's filmmaking is "actingversatility ", because breadthhis artistic range enables him to work brilliantly indifferent genres:to a police fighter ("Panic inNeedle Park", "Serpico", "Sea of ​​Love", "Clash andetc.);psychological dramawith elements of mysticism ("Lawyerthe devil") ; a gangster film(" I'm with a facescar", "Carlito's Way", etc.),drama ("Scarecrow", "Bobby Deerfield" (screen adaptationE. M. Remarque's novel "Lifein debt"), melodramas with elements of comedy ("Author ! Author!","Francis and Johnny") and others.In all theirsAl Pacino's works demonstrate the highest level of acting professionalism.Every movie is from himparticipation is artistica perfect work that always inspires admirationviewersHowever, the most significant creative achievements ofAl Pacino's film production is primarily associated withtrilogy by F. F. Coppola "The Godfather", in which the actor created the image of the head of the mafiaMichael Corleone's clan, and the film "The Scent of a Woman" directed by M. Brest – deeplypsychological film entertainment aboutthe adventures of a blind colonel of the American army, for whichthe artist was awarded the highest prize of the American Film Academy - goldstatuettesOscar.

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The specified period turned out to be extremely rich for the cinematography of Ukraine in terms of the thematic focus, which was represented by the historical and biographical genre: "Taras Shevchenko", "I'm Coming to You", "Yaroslav the Wise", "The Legend of Princess Olga", "Danilo - Prince of Halytskyi" and others; interpretation of the theme of the Great Patriotic War: "Only "old men" go to battle", "Aty-dad, the soldiers went", the trilogy about Kovpak, "High Pass", etc.; psychological drama: "/Bathroom", "Commissars", "Long Farewells", "Military-Field Romance", "White Bird with a Black Badge", "Flight in a Dream and Awake", "Rooks", "How Young We Were ", "A wedding is accused", "Adam's rib", "Three stories", etc.; screen adaptations: "Malva", "Sailor Chizhik", "At a high price", "Land", "After two hares", "Weed", "Bread and salt", "Stone cross", "Lost letter", "Babylon -XX", "Black chicken,

Television (from the Greek ieie - far and the Latin iikio - vision) occupies a significant place in popularizing the art of cinema. Recently, it has become an important means of mass communication, without which it is impossible to imagine today's life. Television has its own genre structure, which it constantly develops and improves. That is why television is considered an integral factor in the cultural process today and occupies a special place in the life of a modern person.

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