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In general, the number of such festivals throughout Ukraine is immeasurably large. Odesa International Film Festival, Kyiv International Film Festival "Youth", Kharkiv International Festival "Kharkiv MeetDocs", "New Ukrainian Cinema" in Luhansk region, "Days of Ukrainian Cinema" in Lviv, etc.


The appearance of "Essays" was a qualitatively new step in the development of domestic film studies. A wide range of scientists belonging to different schools and directions in film studies took part in the work. The authors did not set themselves the goal of consistently covering all stages of the formation and development of cinematography on the territory of Ukraine. But, without a doubt, the compilers and authors managed to focus on key moments, trace the most important regularities of the filmmaking process. Issues that have remained on the margins of the historical science of cinema have come into focus. Separate chapters are devoted to both local phenomena and entire historical stages, and the authors mostly build their research on a solid theoretical foundation.

In the second half of the 70s- the first half of the 80sfilmmakers are trying to understandVietnamese tragedy. INa genius forever remained in the treasury of the world cinematographyepisode - flightAmerican x helicopters to the music of "Flight of the Valkyries" fromoperas by R. Wagner"Ring of the Nibelung" ,which symbolizes impendinginevitable tragedy.In the specified period, the genre palette of American cinema was enriched.Simultaneously with melodramas, newa kind of action movie ("Superman" by R. Zonner, "Konai,barbarian" by J. Milius), ironic comedies ("Interiors ", "Manhattan" by V. Allen andetc.) onpolitical tapes appear on the screens ("Justice for all"S. Pollak), space films("Star Wars" by J. Lucas") and others.A special place in the US film arts of the second half of the 70s and early 80ssit for yearsfilms that make sense of the phenomenon of the film and television industry and the fate of people who were associated with themown life.

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A text dedicated to television (by I. Pobedonostseva) stands a little apart from the general picture. And yet its appearance seems quite logical in the general structure of the book. After all, today most of the films become the achievement of a wide audience precisely thanks to their demonstration on the TV screen. In addition, television makes it possible to introduce the younger generation to the heritage of cinematic classics. Essays are thought to be just the beginning. They will become the foundation of the publication, built on a systematic and consistent presentation and analysis of the processes and phenomena of domestic cinema.

Cinematography of the Soviet period of the 30s of the XX century. became a kind of mirror of the totalitarian era, because all cinematographic genres of that time fulfilled certain "social orders". A vivid example of this was the historian-revolutionary film presented by M. Romm's dilogy - "Lengn in October" and "Lenin in 1918"; trilogy by H. Kozintsev and L. Trauberg - "Maxim's Youth", "Maxim's Return" and "Vyborzka Side"; paintings by S. Yutkevich - "Man with a gun", the Vasiliev brothers - "Chapaev"; O. Dovzhenka - Shchors.

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