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Some sections are frankly polemical in nature. The authors reserve the right to the original interpretation of classical works, although sometimes their interpretations seem too paradoxical. This can be said about the essays written by O. Musienko and O. Sydor-Ghibelinda.


In some texts, the authors focus not so much on the film process as on its historical and social context. Thus, Z. Alfyorova draws attention to those general civilizational conflicts that were related to Ukraine and Ukrainian culture even in Soviet times. The author examines the artistic culture of Ukraine at the intersection of the influences of economic, political and socio-cultural systems and observes how the "crisis of reality", the "replacement of reality with signs of reality" is provoked both by the influence of "official" Soviet culture and the phenomena of early postmodernism. The author rightly notes that the internal dissidence of a certain circle of Ukrainian artists is reflected in the very style of screen works. However, interesting observations and theoretical generalizations do not always find concrete confirmation in the direct examination of the film process.

The second period - the flowering of the artist's talent - led to the creation of O. Dovzhenko's "Slavic trilogy": "Zvenigora", "Arsenal". "Earth", which testified to the mythopoetic vision of the director, which was reflected in the visual construction of these tapes and had a significant impact on the further development of world cinema. The film "Ivan" performed the function of a "plastic bridge" to the third period in the work of O. P. Dovzhenko - the period of "two Stalinist decades", which resulted in the films "Aerograd", "ITsors", "Michurin". In the work of the director, ancient Slavic mythological ideas, the specifics of Ukrainian national self-awareness, and the philosophical understanding of common human meaningful life problems were organically combined, which led to the introduction of O. P. Dovzhenko's characters into the European cultural context.

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Cinematography has its own genre-genre structure. Unlike other forms of art, the birth date of cinematography can be named absolutely precisely - December 28, 1895. It was on this day in Paris that the brothers O. and L. Lumiere demonstrated their first film program, which contained short documentary sketches: "The exit of workers from factories", "Arrival of the train", etc. The films of the Lumière brothers started the trend towards creating documentary cinema, because in all their pictures a certain immediacy of real reality was recorded.

("Chained with one chain", "OnBerezi", "Nuremberg Trial" ). Ownmakes the best tapesA. Hitchcock ("Vertigo", "Psycho", "Birds"), The film "Birds" in American cinema wasa new film genre was launched - a disaster film based on the struggle of man withnatural elements (fire, water, earthquake) andrepresentatives of the animal world.At the same time, young people are increasingly actively asserting themselvescinematographers . In the beginning"conflict of generations" the films "Marty" by D. Mann and "Twelveangry men" by S. Lumet,however, he threw the most serious challenge to "old Hollywood".the idol of the youth of that time J. Dean -performer of the main role ina film with a symbolic title"Rebel without an ideal".Among the prominent actors of the second half of the 50s -early 60shas a special placeMy favorites are newgenerations of Americans of different social classes Marilyn Monroe.Today, films with her participation ("All about Eve", "Niagara", "Only in jazzgirls" etc.) quiteare often shown on television. Documentaries and feature films are devoted to the life of the actresstapes, books have been written about her, but the mystery of the death of Marilyn Monroe, which is not yet knownrevealed, continues to worry future generationsher fans.In the second half of the 60s- the first half of the 70sHollywood is going through a thematic periodrenewal.

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