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The films of V. Shukshin - "Stoves-benches", "Viburnum Red" arouse considerable interest among viewers and scientists; O. Mindadze and V. Abdrashitova - "The Train Stopped", "Parade of the Planets", "Plumbum, or a Dangerous Game"; M. Mikhalkova – "Slave of Love", "Unfinished piece for mechanical piano", "Tired by the sun"; G. Panfilova - "The Beginning", "I'm Asking for Words" and others.


The logical conclusion of Ch. Chaplin's search were the films "The Tramp", "The Kid", "The Pilgrim", "On the Shoulder" and others. The second stage is the flowering of the talent of the film artist, which was convincingly evidenced by the release of his recognized masterpieces - "Lights of the Big City" and "New Times". The first and second stages of Ch. Chaplin's work are united by the image of Charlie the vagabond - a symbol of the director himself. The third stage in the artist's legacy is the stage of high professionalism associated with the films "The Great Dictator", "The King in New York". "Monsieur Verdu" and others.

Action (action) is a genre of film art that illustrates the well-known thesis: "Goodness must have fists." The main character faces evil. Not finding the possibility of a peaceful solution to the situation, he resorts to violence, as a result of which dozens and sometimes hundreds of villains are destroyed. "Happy end" is an indispensable attribute of an action movie, evil must be punished.

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The literature and social activities of J. Osborn and J. Kerouac had a significant influence on the American film process of the 60s, which determined the figurative and thematic orientation of the "counterculture" phenomenon. The tendency to the emergence of new directions occurs in the 60s of the XX century. and in the countries of Eastern Europe, in particular, in Russia, there is a "movement of the sixties", which in the art of cinema is associated with the work of M. Khutsiev - "Zastava Ilyich" and "July Rain"; A. Tarkovsky - "Ivan's Childhood"; G. Danelia - "I walk around Moscow", "Don't be sad", and became a cinematic reflection on the "Khrushchev thaw".

The specified period turned out to be extremely rich for the cinematography of Ukraine in terms of the thematic focus, which was represented by the historical and biographical genre: "Taras Shevchenko", "I'm Coming to You", "Yaroslav the Wise", "The Legend of Princess Olga", "Danilo - Prince of Halytskyi" and others; interpretation of the theme of the Great Patriotic War: "Only "old men" go to battle", "Aty-dad, the soldiers went", the trilogy about Kovpak, "High Pass", etc.; psychological drama: "/Bathroom", "Commissars", "Long Farewells", "Military-Field Romance", "White Bird with a Black Badge", "Flight in a Dream and Awake", "Rooks", "How Young We Were ", "A wedding is accused", "Adam's rib", "Three stories", etc.; screen adaptations: "Malva", "Sailor Chizhik", "At a high price", "Land", "After two hares", "Weed", "Bread and salt", "Stone cross", "Lost letter", "Babylon -XX", "Black chicken,

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