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The US film industry has developed a system of multi-genre independent cinema: both cult films and creative experiments by directors. As a rule, these are low-budget films made by little-known directors. "Independent films" are mainly non-commercial films that bring maximum profit to their creators, such as blockbusters, and therefore in them you can often see some creative experiments. Most often, it is from "independent" cinema that world-class stars emerge: for example, the debut film of the famous K. Tarantino was the film "Mad Dogs", which is now called a classic of independent cinema.


The main goal of the comedy genre is to make the audience laugh, to create a cheerful mood. But comic and laughter are different concepts, because not everything that is funny is comic. Comedy is the ability of a person to look at himself through the eyes of others, to see his own flaws, as well as to make fun of the imperfections of the world. The main characters of films of this genre always get into funny situations.

An important event in the development of cinema art in the 30s was the invention of sound. This new discovery actively influenced the development of the system of cinematic expressiveness, became an important component of the film image and led to the emergence of musical film genres: musicals, film operas, etc. At the same time, analyzing this period in the history of world cinema, it is necessary to remember that the 30s of the 20th century. were associated with acute social cataclysms. On the one hand, the Great Depression, which stunned the USA, and on the other hand, the imminent danger of fascism and totalitarianism, which loomed over Europe, gave rise to feelings of insecurity, fear, and tragic foreboding in the artists of the 1930s.

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Avant-garde experiments cover almost all the leading cinematographies of the world. A bright page in the history of cinematography of the 20s is connected with the cinematography of the Soviet period, in particular with the work of L. V. Kuleshov (1899–1970) - "The Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. West in the Country of the Bolsheviks", "Death Ray", etc. - which, based on based on his own "model theory", created the First School of Film Actors (O. Khokhlova, B. Barnet, V. Pudovkin, S. Komarov, etc.); Dzygy Vertov (1896–1954) - an outstanding documentarian, the founder of journalistic cinema ("Sixth part of the world", "Symphony of Donbass") and the FEKS group (Factory of Eccentric Actor), which was organized by H. M. Kozintsev and L. 3. Trauberg , who in their artistic experiments relied on the principles of eccentricity ("Overcoat", "SVD", "New Babylon").

The films of V. Shukshin - "Stoves-benches", "Viburnum Red" arouse considerable interest among viewers and scientists; O. Mindadze and V. Abdrashitova - "The Train Stopped", "Parade of the Planets", "Plumbum, or a Dangerous Game"; M. Mikhalkova – "Slave of Love", "Unfinished piece for mechanical piano", "Tired by the sun"; G. Panfilova - "The Beginning", "I'm Asking for Words" and others.

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