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Charles Spencer Chaplin (1889–1977) is an American film actor and film director. The phenomenon of Ch. Chaplin is the embodiment of the theory of "author's cinema" (the artist simultaneously acted as a screenwriter, director, actor, and composer in most of his films). His artistic output will forever remain in the history of world cinematography as a bright example of interpretation of the "comic" category. Chaplin's creative path includes three stages. The first is the period of the artist's formation, when experience was accumulated, active experimentation was carried out in the field of form and style, pictorial structure.


Chaplin's creative output attracted the attention of researchers who tried to understand the reason for the extraordinary popularity of this actor. Perhaps the secret of the great artist's success was that his hero - Charlie the tramp - looked at the world through the eyes of a child; he could make the viewer laugh and sympathize at the same time.

The film "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" was conceived as a screen adaptation, but this film had a different fate - to become a manifesto of a whole direction, which was called "poetic cinema". This direction had the greatest publicity in the context of Ukrainian cinematography of the specified period.

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Visconti Luchino(1906-1976) - Italian film director, one of the bright representatives of European elite cinema. A characteristic feature of his creative heritage is a clearly expressed thematic orientation. The leitmotif of all the director's films became the themes of family, beauty and tragic loneliness, the peculiarities of which interpretation were stimulated by the heuristic potential of the artist's biography. Paintings by L. Visconti "The Earth Trembles", "The Most Beautiful", "Rocco and His Brothers", "Death of the Gods", "Death in Venice", "People", "Family Portrait in the Interior" and "Innocent", despite stylistic differences and time distance, make up a kind of cycle. If the themes of family and tragic loneliness were the object of artistic understanding of many directors of the world, the interpretation of the theme of beauty became a feature of L. Visconti's work. Peculiarities of worldview,

Cinematography of the Soviet period of the 30s of the XX century. became a kind of mirror of the totalitarian era, because all cinematographic genres of that time fulfilled certain "social orders". A vivid example of this was the historian-revolutionary film presented by M. Romm's dilogy - "Lengn in October" and "Lenin in 1918"; trilogy by H. Kozintsev and L. Trauberg - "Maxim's Youth", "Maxim's Return" and "Vyborzka Side"; paintings by S. Yutkevich - "Man with a gun", the Vasiliev brothers - "Chapaev"; O. Dovzhenka - Shchors.

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