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Charles Spencer Chaplin (1889–1977) is an American film actor and film director. The phenomenon of Ch. Chaplin is the embodiment of the theory of "author's cinema" (the artist simultaneously acted as a screenwriter, director, actor, and composer in most of his films). His artistic output will forever remain in the history of world cinematography as a bright example of interpretation of the "comic" category. Chaplin's creative path includes three stages. The first is the period of the artist's formation, when experience was accumulated, active experimentation was carried out in the field of form and style, pictorial structure.


Steven Spielberg –an outstanding American director, a pupil of the Californianuniversity . Yourcreative path beganon television The cinematic debut of S.Spielberg had a film "Duel", in whichin an allegorical form (a big truck is chasingpassenger car) the director condemned any manifestations of violence . This onetape became forSpielberg symbolically , to be surethereby defining the leitmotif of his work- confirmationideals of humanism, which found their embodiment in films of all genres, in which the director worked, – "Shchelep i" (film-kata stanza).The impeccable professional skill of S. Spielberg's films determined the highevaluation of itcreativity on the part of specialists, and most importantly -great interest of the audience . It is indicative of thisofficial sociological fact: afterrelease on the screens of the thirdparts of the adventures of Indiana Jonesincreased sharplycompetition forarchaeological departmentAmerican universities .The real creative triumph of S. Spielberg was the picture"Schindler's List " -or notthe highest achievement of world cinema inunderstanding and tragediesgenocide is terribleof a crime against humanity committedfascists.

A language issue During the 1990s and 2000s, domestic film companies actively cooperated with foreign ones, making films and TV series aimed not only at the Ukrainian consumer. Most often, cooperation was carried out with Russian film companies, and since 2014, the volume of such work has decreased to almost zero. There was a reorientation towards European partners for the joint creation of film projects: "Frost" (Lithuania, Ukraine, France, Poland, 2017), "Izy" (Ukraine, Italy, 2017), "Brama" (Ukraine, USA, 2017), etc.

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Hollywood is notonly movie studios andabode of the stars, thisalso a huge television business,record companies, commercial publishing houses , tourist offices.In a word, gigantica machine that continuously delivers entertainment and100% subject to lawsbusiness world. There is no profit herefrom the box office is only a thin onetop layer ANDthe lion's share of profits to companiesprovide product placement(let's remember, for example , howin the film "The Matrix" ineveryone flashes before our eyes every secondpossible products of the Samsung brand, andlet's try to imagine how much she earned from thisfilm studio), sale of rights tofilms for airlines, use of heroes ingames/comics/advertisements , releasesouvenir products.Let's not forget, no matter howI wanted to forget about it, that Hollywood cinema is quietalso serves state interests. Often the customer of that orthere is another tapePentagon. "The green onesberet" by John Ray, "The best shooter" by Tony Scott,"Pearl Harbor" by Michael Bay, "A Dayindependence " by Roland Emmerich, "Thirty minutes aftermidnight" Kathryn Bigelow, "Man fromof steel" by Zack Snyder and many other films in whichor else a good word soundsabout the state and its military power, removedto order and with solid financial participationPentagon.

In the context of the totalitarian era, the historical film actively developed - "Alexander Nevsky" (director S. Eisenstein), "Bohdan Khmelnitsky" (director I. Savchenko), "Petro I" (director V. Petrov), the trilogy "Zlyva", "Perekop" , "Koliivshchyna" (director I. Kavaleridze).

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