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In some texts, the authors focus not so much on the film process as on its historical and social context. Thus, Z. Alfyorova draws attention to those general civilizational conflicts that were related to Ukraine and Ukrainian culture even in Soviet times. The author examines the artistic culture of Ukraine at the intersection of the influences of economic, political and socio-cultural systems and observes how the "crisis of reality", the "replacement of reality with signs of reality" is provoked both by the influence of "official" Soviet culture and the phenomena of early postmodernism. The author rightly notes that the internal dissidence of a certain circle of Ukrainian artists is reflected in the very style of screen works. However, interesting observations and theoretical generalizations do not always find concrete confirmation in the direct examination of the film process.


At the same time, cinematography can by no means be called a "technical" art. Man's primordial need for a figurative understanding of reality gave birth to this mass form of art. Cinema is synthetic in nature, it combines elements of literature, theater, painting, music, choreography. That is why cinematography operates with many expressive possibilities borrowed from other forms of art. At the same time, cinema has its own specific means and techniques, in particular: perspective (angle of view of the film camera), change of plans (general, medium and large), montage, which combines individual frames in a logical sequence and makes it possible to convey the emotional and psychological tension of the episode.

The concept of film genre began to take shape with the establishment of the Hollywood studio system. It helped systematize the production of films and facilitated their promotion to the market. Each studio specialized in the production of films of a certain genre: Paramount Pictures produced comedies, Universal Studios - horror films, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - musicals, etc. At the same time, some directors and actors began to associate the audience with specific genres of movies: director Alfred Hitchcock — with thrillers, Jeffrey Ford — with westerns, Douglas Sirk — with melodramas, Wes Craven and Lamberto Vava — with horror films, John By — with action films , Roland Emmerich — with disaster films.

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During the years of its independence, Ukraine continued to be under pressure from Russia and its language. Let's watch the famous Ukrainian series: "Matchmakers", "Sniffer", "Female Doctor". All of them are in Russian. It is not surprising that catchphrases from Ukrainian cinema do not "fly" in the world. In fact, they "fly", and, unfortunately, in Russian.

An important event in the development of cinema art in the 30s was the invention of sound. This new discovery actively influenced the development of the system of cinematic expressiveness, became an important component of the film image and led to the emergence of musical film genres: musicals, film operas, etc. At the same time, analyzing this period in the history of world cinema, it is necessary to remember that the 30s of the 20th century. were associated with acute social cataclysms. On the one hand, the Great Depression, which stunned the USA, and on the other hand, the imminent danger of fascism and totalitarianism, which loomed over Europe, gave rise to feelings of insecurity, fear, and tragic foreboding in the artists of the 1930s.

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