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The spiritual and sensual world of heroes is best revealed by melodramas. Beautiful costumes and scenery, lyrical music - all this was transferred to the movie screen from the theater stage.


In general, the number of such festivals throughout Ukraine is immeasurably large. Odesa International Film Festival, Kyiv International Film Festival "Youth", Kharkiv International Festival "Kharkiv MeetDocs", "New Ukrainian Cinema" in Luhansk region, "Days of Ukrainian Cinema" in Lviv, etc.

The theoretical basis of the Western avant-garde became the psychoanalytic concept of 3. Freud, the main task of which was to penetrate into the hiding place of the human psyche and explain the specifics of the unconscious. The experiments of the French avant-garde and German expressionists became vivid film illustrations of psychoanalytic theory.

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A language issue During the 1990s and 2000s, domestic film companies actively cooperated with foreign ones, making films and TV series aimed not only at the Ukrainian consumer. Most often, cooperation was carried out with Russian film companies, and since 2014, the volume of such work has decreased to almost zero. There was a reorientation towards European partners for the joint creation of film projects: "Frost" (Lithuania, Ukraine, France, Poland, 2017), "Izy" (Ukraine, Italy, 2017), "Brama" (Ukraine, USA, 2017), etc.

Television (from the Greek ieie - far and the Latin iikio - vision) occupies a significant place in popularizing the art of cinema. Recently, it has become an important means of mass communication, without which it is impossible to imagine today's life. Television has its own genre structure, which it constantly develops and improves. That is why television is considered an integral factor in the cultural process today and occupies a special place in the life of a modern person.

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