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Such a significant phenomenon as Ukrainian poetic cinematography has been in the circle of scientific interests of L. Bryukhovetska for a long time. Perhaps, that is why the chapter written by this author is marked by special thoroughness and persuasiveness. Separately, it is worth noting the detailed filmography, which gives the chapter even greater scientific value.


Despite the crisis of the US economy in the 1930s, the American cinematography of this period experienced the highest rise and prosperity - its "golden age". The viewer wanted to watch movies more than ever. This unexpected, at first glance, situation was explained quite simply. Along with exquisite elitist paintings by J. Ford (1895-1974) "The Grapes of Wrath", "Young Mr. Lincoln", W. Wyler (1902-1981) "The Dead Corner", "The Foxes", O. Wells (1915-1985) " Citizen Kane", which admired for its innovation in the field of drama, in the system of expressive means, stunned with its psychological depth and social significance, commercial genres are becoming widespread: gangster films, horror films, melodramas, musicals, westerns, etc. So, American cinema of the 1930s performed a certain compensatory function, distracting the viewer from life's problems.

Television (from the Greek ieie - far and the Latin iikio - vision) occupies a significant place in popularizing the art of cinema. Recently, it has become an important means of mass communication, without which it is impossible to imagine today's life. Television has its own genre structure, which it constantly develops and improves. That is why television is considered an integral factor in the cultural process today and occupies a special place in the life of a modern person.

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In general, the number of such festivals throughout Ukraine is immeasurably large. Odesa International Film Festival, Kyiv International Film Festival "Youth", Kharkiv International Festival "Kharkiv MeetDocs", "New Ukrainian Cinema" in Luhansk region, "Days of Ukrainian Cinema" in Lviv, etc.

A premonition of an inevitable tragedy permeates the work of the masters of French cinematography, in particular the films of "poetic realism" by J. Préver and M. Carnet - "The Embankment of Mists", "The Day Begins"; paintings by J. Renoir - "The Great Illusion", "Rules of the Game", "Man-Beast". Therefore, it is no coincidence that the number one actor of the French cinema of this period is Jean Gabin, whose hero defies history and is doomed to death. This gave the well-known theoretician and film historian A. Bazen reason to call Gaben a tragic modern hero.

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